Monday, October 27, 2008

Phil Elvrum

Listen to me get off the internet
We are the ones who are alive right now so lets start living
We're obsessed with freedom and living easy lives
but what use is an easy life hungry and blind
The hallow cold, the crawling-hunting,
indulging your weakest parts and still you're hungry
Why not wake the fuck up and smell the air outside
and do a little real work and come back to life
Clean out the fridge, take out the garbage,
sweep the floor, open the doors and windows
read the news, shut up about music
ask a stupid question, stop feeling too ignorant
This is the one world where we live curious and busy,
As the world is ending can I survive this cold dawn
At least I can sit here in the street exhaling and strong
Clean up the mess, get off the internet
We are the ones who are alive right now so lets start living.
-The Microphones

"You don't have to go to college"
-Animal Collective

Just two quotes so that we may feel foolish. I do.


Mallory said...

I'm also afraid of feeling like a fool

Mallory said...

AND I think the key is to recognize if you feel that you're waiting around for something bigger, something better (which I think I do feel), then you need to move on. no waiting when it's something as important as this: life.